Project made in 48 hours for MAD Gamejam 20'

Awarded 1st place.

The theme was Mythology.

In this platforming puzzle game you play as Thor when he was a baby.
Control him as he trains his skills with his hammer Mjolnir to defeat train-dummies without hitting the friendly ones.

Thor has the ability to throw his hammer straightforward, colliding with any wall or platform it hits, but when he calls his hammer back it will go through said platforms.

Because Thor is still a baby, his ability to use Mjolnir is very limited. He's only able to use it a limited number of times per level.

-Keyboard controls:
MOVE: Arrows or ‘A’/‘D’
JUMP: Spacebar or ‘W’ or up arrow
THROW/PULL MJOLNIR: ‘Q’ or left mouse click
BACK TO MENU: ‘Escape’

-Controller controls (ps4):
MOVE: Right analog stick
JUMP: X button
THROW/PULL MJOLNIR: Square button RESET: Share button
BACK TO MENU: Options button

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